Sunday, February 11, 2007

Dish Boy Dave

This picture is a very loose self-portrait, including what is becoming my trade-mark "Big Ears". It also include a new way to draw eyes, a lot more action than I typically depict, and some serious influence from the comic "Blondie". Most importantly though, this drawing shows a clear example of another lesson Mike offered: draw light to start with, and don't be afraid to change things. Big things, even. This character for example started with a much lower stance, but the torso was too long and the legs too short. I showed it to my wife and she couldn't tell me what was happening at all (hopefully it's more obvious now).

And yes, I used to break a lot of dishes when i washed them. Now I wash much much slower, but at least there's no chips or breaks.

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About Me

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When I come home I find odd projects, weird pictures, mess, and happy, well adjusted kids. You should know about all the clever crap Dave Does too. It's so fun you might copy some too.