Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Who doesn't love doodles? I think there's a lot to be learned from our absent-minded scribblings. Some are great (imho), others are crap. But I've learned from each and every one! Keep an eye open for Yoda and a LOT of Nicky Gumble.

A quick sketch of the Family (aren't we so cute!)

Squash and stretch techniques

This is a self portrait, and I LOVE it. Specifically i love giving all my characters big ears, because it makes me feel better about myself.

This last one features some character designs for an animation I've been planning (specfically the lower right-hand side). Keep a head's up for that one.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

More of Preston

Some Character designs

And some new colours that I did of Biker Dude, done back in Sept.

About Me

My photo
When I come home I find odd projects, weird pictures, mess, and happy, well adjusted kids. You should know about all the clever crap Dave Does too. It's so fun you might copy some too.